Janice Rodrigues

Headshot of Janice in front of a blue sky background

A proud daughter of Indian migrants, Janice is an Indian-Australian living on Dharawal Country in Sydney. She is an intersectional feminist greatly interested in community organising and is currently studying Politics and International Relations, with a major in Socio-Legal Studies, at the University of Sydney.

Currently, Janice is a NSW Organiser at Democracy in Colour where she has been helping out with the Migration with Dignity Campaign. Here, she has been able to express her passion for people of colour asserting their own agency in dealing with policy issues that affect them, wherein her own lived experiences has shaped her advocacy. She is also a 2022 Youth Activist at Plan International Australian. Through her work at Plan, she has been able to grow her passion for gender justice, wherein she has taken part in the ‘Represent Us’ Campaign calling for a more diverse parliament and has co-authored the Represent Us Report that was released prior to the Federal Election.

Alongside this, Janice has a passion for volunteering at a local level through programs where she can directly engage with the community while expanding her own perspectives. She has particularly been volunteering at AIME mentoring for the last 2 years and is now an Ambassador for Equality, where she has been able to connect with Indigenous high school students across the Sydney region. She also volunteers at WAGEC, where she has been working with children in crisis accommodation, and she hopes to give back to the community in any way that she can.


Grace Williams


Fida Hussain